Friday, March 27, 2020

The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Restaurant and The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Stations Are Quickly Becoming Popular For Game Play

The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Restaurant and The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Stations Are Quickly Becoming Popular For Game PlayIf you've heard of The Organic Chemistry Tutor, you're probably familiar with its popular music. However, the newest addition to the Music Game Collection doesn't necessarily have the best track, but it definitely has a lot of great tracks.Whether you're a fan of the games or not, the latest additions to the organic chemistry tutor are sure to please. Both seasoned and new players alike will enjoy the organic chemistry tutor: a relatively simple game, yet one that's sure to keep you busy.The first addition to the organic chemistry tutor is The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Restaurant. In this game, players will be required to carefully match the food on the menu to the corresponding colors.This specific version of the organic chemistry tutor requires a little more finesse, but it can also be quite easy if you're a beginner. The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Restaurant is a very fun game to play, and the themes on the bar are a lot of fun to dress up. If you enjoy a lot of variety in your games, then you're probably going to love The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Restaurant.Another addition to the organic chemistry tutor is The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Stations. In this game, players will need to match the station on the map to the one on the screen. For instance, there is a train on a very specific track, so it's a good idea to use the right color scheme to avoid running into it.There are a few variations to the organic chemistry tutor: like the classic school and mall locations, as well as the new 'Slacker' location. So, if you love those types of games, then you should probably take a look at these unique additions to the game. Players will be able to enjoy all of the new versions of the classic organic chemistry tutor games that they missed out on before.So, if you're new to the game, you should definitely check out The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Restau rant and The Organic Chemistry Tutor: Stations. You'll be surprised how fun and creative this game can be! So, if you want to impress your friends, or even impress yourself, then these two new additions to the game are perfect for you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Guiding Your Teen During the College Admission Process

Guiding Your Teen During the College Admission Process Whether your teen is knee-deep in college viewbooks and applications or he or she is just beginning to explore his or her college options, the college admission process can easily instill fear and anxiety in the calmest of parents and teens. Its not uncommon for parents to become obsessed micromanagers when their teens start evaluating collegesfeeling compelled to push them in the right direction or even take over the process, says Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center. The parent plays a vital role in the college search and selection process, but should be more of a partner than an organizer. Huntington offers these tips to successfully guide your teen through the college admission process: Give up some control. In your teens junior and senior years, many decisions will need to be madeabout the college traits that are important to you and your teen (location and school size, for example), the best date to take the SAT and/or ACT and even which colleges to visit. Establish with your teen the types of decisions you are comfortable letting him or her make alone as well as those you must make together. Give your teen opportunities to explain the reasoning behind his or her viewpoints and decisions, and trust the decisions he or she makes, even if it you disagree with them. Doing so allows your teen to mature and learn to be more responsible for his or her choices. Guidance is good. Overinvolvement isnt. Theres a lot to the college admission process, and its important for parents to be supportive, stay aware of important deadlines and get familiar with the financial aid process. However, your teen must take ownership of his or her college admission. While you should be on hand for questions and be a part of decisions that impact the family, you shouldnt write your teens college application essays or fill out his or her applications. Ultimately, your teen is the one who will be attending collegenot you. Help your teen find a great fit, not just a random choice. Remember that the college admission process is an opportunity to assess your teens academic strengths, personality and potential field-of-study interests, and find colleges that are best suited to him or her. Set realistic expectations at the outsetan expensive, highly competitive film school may simply not be possible given your budget and/or your teens GPA and test scoresthen take a proactive approach to evaluate the choices. Foster good communication. The college admission process can be stressful for every member of the family, but regular, healthy communication can minimize conflicts and bring you and your teen closer together. Establish the best way for the two of you to stay in touch throughout the process. Understand that you will not agree about everything, but be sure your teen understands when your input is required and when you expect him or her to make decisions independently. And always encourage your teen to talk with you about his or her fears, questions and aspirations.

Al Akhawayn School

Al Akhawayn School Al Akhawayn School Al Akhawayn School of Ifrane was founded in 1995, and is an American Curriculum, co-educational K-12 school located in Ifrane, Morocco. The school is located in a beautiful Swiss Style holiday town of Ifrane, in the Atlas Mountains of North Africa where there are 4 beautiful seasons, nature, biking, hiking, skiing, and running trails. Al Akhawayn school of Ifrane is part of the the prestigious, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. ASI enjoys access to the university campus and its state of the art facilities. We are at a very exciting time as the school is rapidly growing and seeking accreditation. Over the years, the school has developed into a learning community characterized by a balanced program of academics, arts, sports, and community service preparing our students to have diverse skills and knowledge in a fast changing world. Most important, we strive to graduate well rounded and prepared students for University and beyond. The school is currently going through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Accreditation process. Under the leadership and guidance of the senior leadership team, and the professional learning community, it is an exciting time to join ASI!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bina Bangsa School

Bina Bangsa School Bina Bangsa School Bina Bangsa School (BBS) was first established in 2001 by a group of founders who are passionate in the field of education. Combining the best elements of Western and Eastern practices, the founders decided to provide an internationally recognised education in Indonesia, preparing students to compete in the 21st century. BBS is using the English Language as the first medium of instruction, with the Chinese Language as part of the Billingual programme. Learning the Chinese Language and culture has exposed our students to the Eastern world and develop their global perspective. Commencing with only 30 students at the beginning in 2001, BBS has now grown reaching more than 4000 students with 6 campuses across Indonesia. Requirements for K-12 English Teaching positions: Experience required Must be a Native English Speaker Bachelors Degree Job Benefits A choice of 5 locations in Indonesia : Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Malang and Balikpapan Salary depends on experience The school will provide free accommodation or a housing allowance Round-trip ticket for each Academic Year Bonus of 1 month salary at the end of Academic Year

10 things you didnt know about Kazakhstan

10 things you didnt know about Kazakhstan So what do you know about Kazakhstan? It's quite likely that the answer is 'not very much!' Here are a few fun facts about this beautiful and little-traveled country to get you started.  1. Kazakhstan is located in both Europe and Asia and can be classified as part of either region or both.  The Ural river is considered the traditional boundary between the two continents - it cuts straight through the west of the country.2. UNESCO has voted the country as #1 in the world Education Development Index for providing universal primary education, maintaining a high level of adult literacy and promoting gender parity.3. Kazkakhstan is one of the world’s most mineral rich nations and is considered to be leading the way in the future of the oil industry.4. Astana is one of the world’s newest, and most futuristic, capital cities. Astana literally means ‘capital city’ in Kazakh.5. Kazakhstan is famous for its population of wild horses. It’s believed that man first tamed and rode horse s here.6. Coffee is often served very sweet in Kazakhstan - taking 10 spoons of sugar is not unusual!7. Apples are believed to have originated from the steppes, where you can still find many wild orchards. Apple seeds were likely taken and planted in other regions by traveling traders who enjoyed the fruits.8. Kazakh people celebrate three New Years. The first is on January 1, followed by a celebration at the spring equinox, followed by the 'Old New Year' which decided by the old Julian calendar.9. The world's first and largest space launch site, the  Baikonur Cosmodrome, can be found to the south of the country. It is currently on loan to the Russian Space Agency until 2050.10. Kazakhstan is hotly tipped as the ski destination of the future. There are big plans to transform areas of magnificent mountain regions into world class resorts, which expect to attract visitors from around the globe.  Don't forget to take a look at our current teaching jobs in Kazakhstan.

Dumb Blonde Part 1

Dumb Blonde Part 1 Legally Blonde Have you ever heard of negative stereotypes such as the “dumb blonde” or the “redheaded step child Well, hair color stereotypes are much more prevalent in American culture than they may appear. This week, I’d like to share with you some of these stereotypes and provide some facts, which prove them faulty. Some studies such as Hair Color Stereotyping? and CEO Selection in the United Kingdom by Takeda et. al,address the stereotyping of specific hair colors within the workplace. This study looked at two specific groups of characteristics looked at during the CEO selection process: (1) competent and cold (unlikable personality) and (2) incompetent and warm (likable personality), represent the social structural foundation for stereotyping. Within these groups they were able to make connections within hair color stereotypes within the workplace; finding that blondes, who are viewed historically as incompetent and likable, were underrepresented in positions of corporate leadership i n the UK. Redheads, while a minuscule number in the U.K. population, were over selected to lead some of the United Kingdom’s (and Europe’s) largest, wealthiest companies. Let’s begin with blondes.   Blondes are typically known as dumb, bubbly and easy. Popular magazine Marie Claire posts, “Maybe because they have more fun, they dont seem serious or motivated?” The author even recollects that her blonde friends even promote it from time to time, quipping, Sorry, Im having a blonde moment to excuse their mistakes.” Personally, I am a blonde so “blonde jokes” have always been an obstacle when trying to ‘prove’ my intelligence in the work place and classroom. …And jokes about intelligence: Q:   What do smart Blondes and UFOs have in common? A:   You always hear about them but you never see them. Let’s move on to redheads. Redhead’s are typically known as temperamental, nerdy or out of place. The “Redheaded Step Child” is a common stereotype defined by Urban Dictionary as, “With red hair being rare, a child born to non red headed parents was often assumed to be the child of an affair. Thus was treated badly, usually in the form of beatings.” Many redheads, known as ‘gingers’, have a plethora of jokes, conferences and stereotypes revolving around their stereotypical “oddity” (which is not realistically that odd). Many jokes about ‘Gingers’ are cruel in undertone and express that redheaded individuals are unwanted/unwelcome: Q: What do you call a ginger at a party? A: Unwelcome. Until next time, be cautious and aware of negative stereotypes. Also, keep a look out for Dumb Blonde part 2 where I discuss stereotypes of other hair colors!

Jobs With Ams Tutoring

Jobs With Ams TutoringAms Tutoring has one of the largest network of tutors in New York City. They have a large network and are always willing to work with students who are looking for a specific type of learning style or individual tutor that can fit their learning style and need.They have had a national reputation in the field of Higher Education since 1978 and have helped students attend many colleges, universities, and professional schools including Loyola University New Orleans, Columbia University, SUNY Oswego, Manhattan College, CUNY Hunts Point, Brooklyn College, Fordham University, St. Bonaventure University, and SUNY Cortland. The company is set up for this type of work and is constantly hiring and training new tutors to help students get into the best possible colleges or schools for them.They do not have a lot of job opportunities, but they do provide temporary employment for those students who are unable to find their way into a college or university because of their dis abilities or other concerns. They work very hard to provide their students with the opportunity to pursue their dreams and academic success. They also work hard to ensure that their tutors are up to the task of tutoring students and can work with them to make their learning experience more efficient and effective.The company does a lot of research before hiring the tutors that they use. They do not use any one tutor over another just to save money on their books, supplies, and other expenses.They do a lot of work in helping new students to understand their education and the important role that it plays in their future. It is important for them to be able to share their passion for learning, which they feel is what sets them apart from other companies and it is something that they truly believe in.If you are a student and would like to be tutored by an individual tutor, you can find many options. They have a service that is designed specifically for people who are not comfortable goi ng to a large school or college and can benefit greatly from working with a private tutor or even in a home environment.You can find a tutor to teach you at home, attend classes at your convenience, or have a full time, part time, or online presence. You can find exactly what you need by simply doing a search on the Internet.